Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Inaugural Post: Weezer and Sara Bareilles

The inaugural video on this blog is one that I have not been able to get out of my head for seven days. Seven. Full. Days. It's actually the reason I'm starting this blog: To try to get this song out of my head. I figure if I post a new live music performance every day, eventually, maybe in four or five years, I'll get this song out of my head.

Dear God please get this song out of my head. I think my friends are getting sick of how much I talk about Weezer. (I'm a recent convert, about two months now that I've listened to them every day.) They assume I have some sort of unhealthy obsession.

This video is proof of why they're wrong. I can't get over Rivers' voice; it's so clear and confident. The descending "Whoa" he hits in the last chorus is just money. The song itself is upbeat and fun, solid harmonies, beautiful execution, and I love the playful chemistry between Rivers and Sara. Enjoy.

"(If You're Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To," performed by Weezer and Sara Bareilles.
Original on Weezer's "Ratitude" (2009).

And welcome. Hope to see you back here tomorrow.

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