Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Dead Weather live at Coachella (full concert)

I absolutely love writing this blog -- it's one of the highlights of my weekday -- but I'm in my last quarter of grad school, and Tuesday is my only (and therefore stressful) day of class. After the success of last Tuesday's Florence + the Machine full-length concert post, I hereby establish Daijams' Full Concert Tuesdays. These posts will involve less of me babbling and more of awesome musicians showcasing their talents.

This week's full concert is from Coachella 2010. I encourage you to put it on in the background at work, or save it for laundry hour tonight, or consume it however one might consume 1+ hour of Dead Fertita's guitar riffs, Alison Mosshart's gutteral vocals, Jack Lawrence's thumping basslines, and Jack White's drumset orgy. It's almost like being there, except you're probably not as whacked as the Coachella crowd.

If you're unfamiliar, the Dead Weather is a project of ridiculously talented (and at 36, relatively young) Jack White, who after a string of band projects -- the White Stripes, the Raconteurs and the Dead Weather -- is finally releasing his debut solo album this April. Says Jack of waiting this long to make a solo album: "I've put off making records under my own name for a long time but these songs feel like they could only be presented under my name. These songs were written from scratch, had nothing to do with anyone or anything else but my own expression, my own colors on my own canvas." I'M SO EXCITED. As of last night, the lead single is available on iTunes, or you can hear it for free here.

And if that isn't enough of a Jack Attack for one day, today Showtime is airing "The White Stripes Under the Great Northern Lights," a documentary made in 2007 about Jack & Meg White on tour in Canada. Set the DVR!

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