Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dido: "Thank You"

Today in America is a day of thanks. It is spent with friends and family, loved ones, and it's celebrated across races, religions, backgrounds, socioeconomic status, and other identifiers that we often use to divide ourselves as a society. It's a nice holiday with a traditional meal and traditional pastimes like football and drinking. It's sometimes stressful, a revelation of family strife or ineptitude in the kitchen. But hopefully, at the end of the day, we're happy we gathered together. These are the people you're spending your life with, not necessarily every day, but over the stretch of time and throughout life.

"I want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life. Ohh, just to be with you is having the best day of my life." Dido's got the right idea. (She's also gorgeous and talented and so natural on stage. This is a relaxing choice if you're having a stressful holiday!)

Give thanks for those you love and those who love you back, make every day the best day of your life, and hey, why not make it someone else's best day ever too? Happy Thanksgiving!

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